Project title: Application of an Artificial Intelligence data analytics in the Ship Maintenance Prediction- Ship-mAInt

Project description: The project is about big data analytics and AI algorithms for predicting the ship maintenance. It is motivated by the new European Commission strategy “Europe for Digital age”. Invar has the know-how of ship inspection process and management and owns a database of inspection data for 400 ships with more than 6000 data sets. Through the experiment, Invar will gain knowledge about AI applications.

These are pioneering studies since, to the current knowledge there is no similar research in the area, what makes this innovative system highly potential. Proposed system is beyond the state of the art since it is combining engineering approach, metrology policies and inspection efficiency.

Innovation level description: The existing ship inspection software that are mandatory to use are based on data about ship construction gained from Thickness measurements in that moment, but until now there is no solution that combine the actual with a historical data set for the same ship over the period of time in terms of predicting the ship maintenance requirements. Bearing in mind that ship maintenance and repairs are very expensive and that they need to be planned a lot ahead, our project will improve ship engineering and management processes, reduce ship operational costs and significantly improve safety on the sea.

The project partner that will provide AI and big data knowledge is Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Sarajevo.

Presentation of the project


IPA, Operational Programme: Human Resources Development for 2012-2013, Reference: EuropeAid/136938/ID/ACT/ME

Project title: Knowledge transfer for increased maritime competences in Montenegro

Project description: A project idea came as a result of past cooperation of Maritime Faculty and business sector and their joint recognitions of improvement possibilities for the knowledge transfer in the maritime industry.

Bearing in mind advantages of a dual educational system and a need for closer cooperation between educational and business organizations, Maritime Faculty, has initiated a communication with the “Invar-Ivoševic Ltd” and “Institute for transportation” SMEs. Representatives of defined target groups (students, teaching staff of Maritime Faculty, representatives of involved SME companies, National Maritime Safety institutions and related Ministries) have participated in the final definition of the project proposal and at the same time they accepted the ownership on a project idea. Specific target group of this project represents students of the Maritime Faculty who after graduating could work in the mentioned SME sector and they expressed their needs in better connection with educational and business sectors what would increase their chances to get employment and not to migrate to other regions or to be employed out of maritime sector.

Overall objective of the project was: “Contribute to strengthening of the national maritime industry through cooperation of public and private sector”. Bearing in mind the facts related to the additional improvement possibilities in the maritime sector especially in capacity building possibilities we have recognized “Improvement of knowledge transfer between academic and private sector in Maritime industry of Montenegro” related activities, what represents the specific objective of the planned action. In order to achieve the planned objectives, the improved model of dual education in national maritime industry with focus on knowledge and innovation skills exchange between scientific and SME sector and improved technical capacities and development potentials of Maritime Faculty and related SME-s were created.


Tempus FP7

Project title: Modernizing and harmonizing maritime education in Montenegro and Albania – MArED

Project description: During the last two decades, due to well known transition reasons, maritime sector in Montenegro and Albania has been derogated. This situation affected the competencies in this area. Maritime education and training resources, with outdated curricula at all levels, as well as marine simulators and lab equipment, have become one of the obstacles in process of regaining maritime competencies in these two neighboring countries.

Thus, the wider objective of MArED project is to overcome a problem of competent and qualified human resources in maritime sector in Montenegro and Albania. It will be achieved through the modernization and harmonization of educational and training system at higher education institutions in both countries in order to meet the requirements of IMO (International Maritime Organization) and STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers) Convention.

The revision of existing and development of new undergraduate maritime study programmes, development of new IMO model courses for training of seafarers (LLL), improving infrastructural and teaching resources, establishing a mobility scheme between EU and PCs universities as well as fostering cooperation between academia and maritime sector, will be the main steps in the MArED implementation. In total, 5 curricula will be reconstructed, 1 introduced and 25 LLL courses for seafarers developed at the UoM and UV, as well as 2 MSc courses introduced at UNISHK .

After infrastructural and personnel preparation activities, the curricula will be accredited and started up. The sustainability will be provided by close link with national and international labor market, continuation of cooperation between consortium institutions and stakeholders and strong planning and permanent modernization. All established resources will be shared between partner universities with possibility to involve other PC universities and institutions.